Photography And The Cell Phone

Photography And The Cell Phone
by: Roberto Sedycias

Nearly every modern cell phone (telefone celular) has a camera feature. Though they are far away from modern age digital camera, cell phone cameras can still be used to produce good quality photographs.
The cell phone (telefone celular) has some additional features that are not yet available on digital cameras and so may even be able to provide some advantages. The best way to obtain quality photographs is to understand the specifications that are available on these devices, enabling you to make an informed decision when choosing your mobile product, ensuring that it meets your requirements.
The size of the cell phone (telefone celular) screen will affect the quality of viewing on your phone only. It will not affect the quality of your photograph when downloaded to your computer. However, the pixels that your cell phone camera uses will affect the quality of the image a great deal. The minimum resolution you should use is 1.0 mega pixels if photographic images are an important feature for you.
Higher resolution of 3.0 mega pixels and up is available on current cell phones (telefone celular). The higher the number of pixels, the better quality the photographic image will be when reproduced. This is because the pixels are the amount of dots used to create the image; the more that are used, the less the image will break up when enlarged.
The memory size of your device will directly affect the number of photographs that you can store. This will affect your output, and also give you less scope for getting that perfect shot. Your device will detail how much memory it contains, and this amount is usually very low, to store only a few photographic images.
However, the memory capacity can be supplemented by purchasing a memory card that is compatible with your cell phone (telefone celular). The largest currently available is as much as 2 Gigabytes, which can store large numbers of photographs. The exact number will vary as the number of pixels directly affects the amount of memory used. The settings of your picture image can often be changed also. The picture quality is better the higher the resolution you choose. Lower resolutions take up less memory and so can be useful if you just want to send images to friends and family, if are running low on space or if the quality is not of importance.
It is also important that you can store your pictures. If you purchase a cell phone memory card (telefone celular), make sure that it also be compatible with your computer or that it can be hooked up to a USB that is computer compatible. Your device should also come with a USB that you can use to download your pictures. This enables you to clear your cell phone regularly, maximising the use of the camera feature. Once stored, your photographs can be manipulated using programs such as Photoshop, as with any other photographic image.
A major advantage of a camera is that it can be used to send pictures direct to friends and family with a compatible cell phone (telefone celular). These can be sent via multi media messages, which although relatively expensive are now appearing in cell phone contracts as part of a package.
Digital photos can also be sent via email if the cell phone (telefone celular) is internet enabled. Any photographic image can be sent for free via infra red or Bluetooth to another compatible device. This is an excellent way of sharing images, without the need for downloading first, which is both fast and functional. This means cell phones do have an advantage over other photographic devices to a degree, as they do not yet have this feature.

About The Author
Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for
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Prepaid x Standard Cell Phone Services

Prepaid x Standard Cell Phone Services
by: Roberto Sedycias

A decade ago perhaps the options weren`t very many, but as time went by and with the advancement of high technology, cell phones became increasingly available for just about everyone, and most of us questioned which will be the best suitable service option when choosing a cell phone. Today there are two basic options: the prepaid cell phone service, which allows you to control more closely how much you can or want to spend in a particular month, and the standard cell phone service, which usually charges you a monthly bill. Both services seem to offer very good deals depending upon each person needs.
The prepaid service is meant primarily for users who want to keep a closer control of the amount of expenses in phone calls. After the phone credits are gone, one has the option to buy some more or not, keeping his expenses within a limit. This kind of service became very popular and it seems to keep growing every day worldwide. In developing countries, where cell phone tariff is expensive, prepaid services made possible to just about everyone to make use of cell phones.
Another advantage of this service is the fact that in case of a phone loss, one doesn`t have to worry much about phone calls made by third parties, because the cell phone has usually a small amount of credits inserted in. Once the stolen-lost cell phone is reported to the service provider, the phone chip will be canceled and no more hassle to worry about, except for the loss of the handset.
The standard cell phone service seems to be meant for the more active users who regularly dial phone calls or don`t care to go through the hassle of buying cell phone credits often. Although this service usually has a less expensive tariff than the prepaid service, users tend to make more use of it and because of that they end up spending more money with phone services.
One does really have to consider the options available and find out which is the most suitable for his personal use. The option for prepaid service seems to be more adequate for the less amount of usage the average people usually do. Those who prefer the prepaid service, do so because it is more attractive to their needs and they don`t have to worry about paying more for an extra service that it is not going to be used anyway.
For those who can`t afford a more expensive model or simply don`t want to spend any extra money for a cell phone, the prepaid service then becomes the ideal choice. However for those who need to keep updated this latest high-tech cell phone features and making phone calls is part of his personal or professional life, then the standard monthly paid service will seem more appropriate.
So whenever picking a cell phone service plan, make sure it fits your lifestyle. After all it`s you who will be paying the phone bill.
This article is under GNU FDL license and can be distributed without any previous authorization from the author. However the author´s name and all the URL´s (links) mentioned in the article and biography must be kept.
About The Author
Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for
This article can also be accessed in portuguese language from the News Article section of page

International Cell Phone Services

International Cell Phone Services
by: Roberto Sedycias

If you are one who does a lot of international traveling, then you will want your clients to be able to reach you from wherever you might be in the world. But what are some of the options you have when it comes to maintaining your current level of cell phone (telefone celular) services worldwide? Do you have to buy a new plan? Do you have to pay outrageous rates? Just what is available?
First of all, the country where you live is very important when it comes to international cell phone (telefone celular) services. Most of the countries have one standard in cellular communications known as Global System for Mobile Communications or GSM. However, the United States did not follow the GSM standard and allowed competing wire carriers to develop their own standards. So, if you are coming from the United States and want to get cell phone coverage in another part of the world with your existing equipment, you probably will not be able to do it.
So let’s get back to our options for international cell phone (telefone celular) service. It is important to understand that the key issues to having effective international cell phone service is that you must have a phone that will handle the frequencies plus a service that is compatible within the country you are communicating from. If you have a phone set that handles GSM service, then your phone will be compatible in at least 212 countries worldwide, as far as hardware is concerned. The only other item you will have to be concerned with is the service plan.
The GSM frequencies operate worldwide typically at 900 MHz but more and more the cell phones (telefone celular) are operating at 1800 MHz. There are some GSM phone services in the United States and Canada but they work at 1900 and 850 MHz and therefore are incompatible with the rest of the world. That is why more and more we are starting to see tri-band phones being sold that are compatible with both international and North American GSM frequencies. The Nokia 3220 is a good example as it will handle both the 1800 and 1900 MHz frequency bands.
But what about the international cell phone (telefone celular) service? If you get one of the tri-band phones you can get a SIM card that can be used in multiple countries. These SIM cards are somewhat like pre-paid phone service. You put the card in your GSM-capable phone and have international roaming coverage from wherever the card is valid.
When choosing an international cell phone SIM card for your GSM phone, there are things you should consider when making a decision on which SIM card to buy. First, what is the initial calling credit (how long before you have to recharge)? Of course you should know the rate structure of both the incoming and outgoing calls. Next you should make sure that your phone and SIM card you are purchasing will be valid for the countries you intend to travel.
Since you are not going to be global roaming with your home cell phone (telefone celular) service, you will want to let everyone there know how they can reach you by your new number. You can also change the greeting on the voice mailbox of your regular home cell phone service telling your callers your new access number while you are out of the country.
While you are using SIM cards that will be exchanged or replaced, make sure that you save everything (phone numbers, memos, notes, etc.) into your cell phone (telefone celular) handset and not the SIM card. If you save any information on your SIM card, then the information will be unavailable whenever you exchange for a new card in another country.

The Ipod Generations

The Ipod Generations
by: Roberto Sedycias

The original iPod (mp3 mp4 player) introduced on 23 October 2001 marked the first iPod generation, and the latest iPod introduced on 12 October 2005 marked the fifth iPod generation, which was subsequently revised with a revision iPod model on September 2006, often referred to as generation 5.5. Note that the generations are referred with reference to the model name and not with reference to the date of release.
For a better understanding about iPod generations, check the following:
On October 23, 2001, the first generation of iPod was released. The model name was iPod and had the storage capacity of 5 to 10 gb. It used FireWire connection to computers and it had a mechanical scroll wheel.
On July 17, 2002, the second generation of iPod was released. It had the storage capacity of 10, 20 gb. It used FireWire connection to computers and it had a touch-sensitive wheel. The Hold switch was revised. The FireWire port had a cover.
On April 28, 2003, the third generation of iPod was released. It had the storage capacity of 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 gb. It used FireWire connection to computers (USB for syncing only), and it had a central row of touch sensitive buttons. New backlit screen was introduced. Dock connector port was introduced.
On January 6, 2004, the first generation of iPod mini was released. It had the storage capacity of 4 gb. It used FireWire or USB connection to computers, and it introduced the "Click Wheel", which was later adopted by the fourth generation iPod. It was available in 5 colors.
On July 19, 2004, the fourth generation of iPod was released. It had the storage capacity of 20, 30, 40, 60 gb. It used FireWire or USB connection to computers, and buttons were integrated to form "Click Wheel". The monochrome model was replaced in June 2005 by the color display with photo viewer, which was introduced in October 2004.
On January 11, 2005, the first generation of iPod shuffle was released. It had the storage capacity of 512 mb, 1gb. It used USB connection to computers, and it had no screen, no click wheel. It used flash memory instead of hard drive storage.
On February 22, 2005, the second generation of iPod mini was released. It had the storage capacity of 4, 6 gb. It used FireWire or USB connection to computers , and it had longer battery life, and brighter color variants. Gold model discontinued. No AC adapter. The body color matched the click wheel lettering.
On September 7, 2005, the first generation of iPod nano was released. It had the storage capacity of 1, 2, 4 gb. It used USB connection to computers (FireWire for charging only), and it was the successor of iPod mini. Slimmer design, flash memory, color screen and lyrics support.
On October 12, 2005, the fifth generation of iPod was released. It had the storage capacity of 30, 60, 80 gb. It used USB connection to computers (FireWire for charging only), and it had large screen with video player and lyrics support. No AC adapter, Universal Dock, or A/V cables were included. It had black and white color variants. This model was revised in September 2006 (often called as generation 5.5) had a brighter display, a music search function, and a longer video battery life.
On September 12, 2006, the second generation of iPod shuffle was released. It had the storage capacity of 1 gb. It used USB (via dock only), and it had the aluminum case with smaller form factor. Built-in clip. Later multi-colored models were also released.
On September 12, 2006, the second generation of iPod nano was released. It had the storage capacity of 2, 4, 8 gb It used USB connection to computers (FireWire for charging only), and it had the anodized Aluminum case in 6 colors. Music search function, longer battery life, and brighter screen.
When more refinements are carried out with respect to features, size, weight and etc., a new generation is announced of the respective model. The distinguishing landmarks were the replacement of the mechanical scroll wheel by touch-sensitive click wheel, the replacement of the hard disk by the flash memory, and the replacement of the monochrome display with color displays. Earlier generations are usually discontinued in favor of newer generations. Earlier generations had bundled software compatible with Macintosh only, while later iPod (mp3 mp4 player) generations have both Macintosh and Windows compatible versions.
This article is under GNU FDL license and can be distributed without any previous authorization from the author. However the author´s name and all the URL´s (links) mentioned in the article and biography must be kept.

About The Author
Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for This article can also be accessed in portuguese language from page

Cellular Phone Covers Add Appeal To An Electronic Gadget

Cellular Phone Covers Add Appeal To An Electronic Gadget
by: Korbin Newlyn

In everything we do these days there is some sense of fashion involved. In the past it only meant the style of your clothing however these days it touches just about every aspect of our lives (ie - what shoes to wear, the belts we have on, watches, jewelry, the way we comb our hair and even what kind of cell phone we carry. Rising to the occasion people in the cellphone industry have introduced covers or faceplates for cell phones, as they are widely known, to match almost anyone's taste for fashion.
Cellular-Phone Cover Advantages
The younger generation, especially the female members, always take particular interest in how they dress up and they have very particular tastes when it comes to having all their accessories match, such as bags, scarves, shoes and also what not to wear. Since cellular phones are so pervasive and are a must-have accessory for just about everyone, its ability to 'match' to the style and clothes of the owner has also become a matter of particular interest.
Responding to this concern and demand from the consumer, the market produced and made available faceplates and matching cellular phone covers for practically every model of cell phone available. Because there is so much diversity available in the designs for accessories for cell phones these days you can not only match the color but also whatever particular style for that cellular-phone model.
The Benefits of A Cellular Phone Cover
In addition to having the perfect match, there are numerous other advantages that you can benefit from by using cell phone covers:
1. It's plenty of fun -- there is a windfall selection of funny designs for the faceplates to suit every mood. There are smiles, you can buy one that has your favorite cartoon characters, flowers, fruits and more as a faceplate, which will more than likely make you giggle on the inside every time you look at your cell phone.
2. Excellent party accessory -- if you happen to have a formal party and you have an elegant jewelry type cellular phone cover it turns into a great accessory to help enhance your style.
3. Helps to give your old cell phone a facelift -- when you scratch your mobile phone, or if it's faded and old, you can immediately 'rejuvenate' it with a brand-new cellular phone cover. The thing is with these covers is that they're inexpensive and you won't have to pay a small fortune for them; so by spending a tiny fraction of the cost, you can virtually have a brand-new cell phone in a snap.
4. Great protection for your cell phone -- these faceplates have many different materials that they are made out of. Some materials are exotic whose primary purpose is cosmetic enhancement. However, some of these faceplates are made of unbreakable fiber/plastic, which in addition to adding to your phones visual appeal, it will also protect it from shock and moisture and from falling.